Thursday, April 28, 2011

Haiku, I can do...

So I've decided to boost my blogging and get my writerly groove back on, I should make my own blog challenge. Thus, I'm going to write a haiku a day, and post them here. Hopefully that will spur on more writing.

For today:

Yes, yes, butt on chair
but then, exercise, dammit,
to keep on writing.

I wrote this after visiting my Grandpa and looking at my Grandma's old writing office. She wrote several books in the last 20 years of her life--she was a geneaology genius! But since she became so devoted to sitting and writing, she didn't get much movement in, and despite her healthy eating habits, lack of splurging, and general good sense, that sedentary lifestyle shortened her life. So, to keep on writing, we have to get up and move, too!


Dora Dee said...

OMG Betsy you weren't kidding about the similarities in our posts. Exercise, or lack thereof, has been on my mind lately. I have a very sedentary job AND then I go home to write for another couple of hours. I've gained some of the weight I had lost due to lack of it. It's some balancing act. I keep reminding myself all well and good to have a best seller but I want to be around to enjoy it! I'm trying to find creative ways to reach the 10,000 steps goal.

Intangible Hearts said...

I love Haiku and have posted a few.
Thanks for visiting.

William Kendall said...

Nice one!

I have no gift for haiku...

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