Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Different kind of productive

So you may have noticed that I haven't been posting in quite a while. And this right after I was all geeked up for getting some writing mojo going...but I do have a good reason--I'm going to have another baby!

Due in November, and so thankful and happy that this has come to be.

However, my energy has been zapped by all this interior knitting, and I haven't had the momentum or time (because frankly, I'd rather sleep these days when possible!) to do any writing. And I mean ANY writing! Well, aside from grocery lists...

So, I'm accepting the fact that I may be unfocused as a writer in the coming year, but not giving up. I'm trying to do a little bit of writing every month, and helping a friend with her revisions on her book, and continuing to go to my writers' group, even if I have nothing to share.

We'll see how well this low-self-pressure deal works for me. I promise to keep you posted! Till then, thank you for bothering to keep following my posts!


Perry said...

You meant to write, even if I have nothign to read. You always have something to share.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations :)

A xxx